Wednesday, June 4, 2008


All of a sudden Max is all about TV. He wakes up in the morning and says, " TV " as he is grabbing for the remote. The thing is, he will only really watch two shows. One is called Hi-5 and its on TLC in the mornings. He loves this show. Its nice because its not even torture to watch. Thank God he is not into the Wiggles. I hate them. The other show that he is seriously fascinated by is a baby story. He sits on the couch and watches with amazement in his eyes. Every once in awhile he will look at me and say very matter of factly, " A baby" like he is trying to teach me something very important. I hope he is as interested in his baby brother. I am glad that Max has never really cared about TV but I will admit that it is so nice in the morning to have a show that will hold is attention for 20 minutes. Especially on those mornings that he wakes up so crabby.


Mitch Carb said...

I hate to admit this, but I think I've watched that show this morning. Let me explain, Cynthia usually goes to bed after me, and one of her favorite chanels is TLC. I usually wake up before her and turn on the TV to keep my company during my bowl of Frosted Flakes and that show was on this morning. Okay, you got me, I TiVo the show!

The Jaymac Clan said...

You and Max should totally hang out.

Carol and Dan said...

Amya doesn't really like t.v. either, but (i know this is bad) I'm trying to get her interested so that when we drive out east next month, I can have something that will entertain her for a while (we bought Shriek The Third for just this occation). Wish us luck!

The Jaymac Clan said...

Shrek the Third is a great movie. I wish you all the luck in the world. I can't imagine Max in a car for that long of trip. He gets cranky after two hours. You are a better woman than I. I will hopefully see you so you can tell me all about the trip.