Tuesday, June 24, 2008

And Another One Gone

We have found a home for Petra. A guy at work couldn't bear the thought of Jason killing her so he is taking her. I feel guilty about this but I don't think he would take her if he didn't want her. I think he must be a saint. I know him and his wife will be a great home for her. I am so glad to not have to worry about this anymore. I have so many other things I can be worrying about now. I expect Petra to be leaving us either today or tomorrow. It is hard for me to say goodbye to her but its not as bad as when I got rid of Edie. At least I can get updates on Petra and ask how she is doing. It is a good thing and I am very excited about eliminating all the cat hair from my house. Thanks to everyone who helped me find a home for the cats. I really appreciate it!!!!

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