Well, I have done it. It has taken me two whole days but I have managed to clean everything in sight. There is not a wall, picture, piece of furniture or knick knack that has not been cleaned in this house. I about killed myself doing it but I now feel like I can bring a baby home. It felt really great to get rid of cat hair and know that it wasn't coming back tomorrow. I know its horrifying and I should be embarrassed to tell everyone this but I moved our bed to vacuum underneath it and there was seriously an inch of cat hair under there. I was shocked. I knew the cats liked to sleep under the bed but I didn't realize the severity of their shedding. Yikes. I am now going to try and and spend the next four days just relaxing and spending time with Jason and Maximo. I am really looking forward to that!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Jason's Pride and Joy
I'm sure when you read the title of this post you were thinking that I must be talking about Max but I'm not, I'm talking about some tomato plants. Jason has always wanted to do some gardening so this year he bought some tomato plants and planted them in my planters that usually hold some very pretty flowers. This year they hold plants but are still nicely displayed on our front patio. Jason cares for them like a mother hen. He waters them and fusses over them and I'm pretty sure he talks to them when I'm not around. They are doing quite well and he is so proud. I am excited for him to taste the fruits of his labor. I don't even like tomatoes but I'm sure they will all get eaten. Jason would never let one of his little darlings go to waste.
Concert Event of the Century

I don't want anyone to be jealous, but Jason, Max and I are going to see The Doodlebops on August 10th. I know what you're thinking, "how did they get tickets?" Well, Jason pulled some strings and we got them. Okay, he called the ticket desk at the casino and bought them but that took some effort. Anyway, we thought it would be nice for just Jason and I to take Max to see them. I'm sure he could use some just mom and dad time by then. Its nice that the casino offers things like this and that its only a mile away. I don't have to worry too much about leaving Micah. I'm sure it will be fun. Max isn't totally about The Doodlebops but I think seeing them live will be a riot for him. I'll make sure I take lots of pictures to share.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
And Another One Gone
We have found a home for Petra. A guy at work couldn't bear the thought of Jason killing her so he is taking her. I feel guilty about this but I don't think he would take her if he didn't want her. I think he must be a saint. I know him and his wife will be a great home for her. I am so glad to not have to worry about this anymore. I have so many other things I can be worrying about now. I expect Petra to be leaving us either today or tomorrow. It is hard for me to say goodbye to her but its not as bad as when I got rid of Edie. At least I can get updates on Petra and ask how she is doing. It is a good thing and I am very excited about eliminating all the cat hair from my house. Thanks to everyone who helped me find a home for the cats. I really appreciate it!!!!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Our friends Mitch and Cynthia came over on Friday night for dinner. They are so much fun. We always have a great time with them. Cynthia has been super helpful in trying to find a home for our cats. She is suppose to find out her MCAT score today. I'm sure you did great Cynthia. Mitch and Jason had more fun than Cynthia and I did on Friday. They managed to get a little drunk. It was quite comical trying to Watch them get guitar hero to work. Neither one of them could figure out whose guitar was the lead controller. Let me tell you, I was quite disappointed I didn't get to listen to drunk guitar hero. I was glad Jason had fun and got to relax but I kept thinking to myself, watch me go into labor tonight when my husband is wasted. Imagine that scene for a moment. I would have to drive myself to the hospital and then when I showed up I would be absolutely embarrassed because my husband would be stumbling around behind me. Thank God that didn't take place.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Bye Edie
So I did a very hard thing today. I got rid of our cat Edie. I have had her for five years and it was so hard to let her go. I didn't want to seperate the cats but it was this or death pretty much. Edie has been adopted by a nice young family that I'm sure will give her a good home. the lady that adopted her lives far away so we told her that we would meet her half way for the drop off. Jason had to go by himself because I couldn't do it. I have been crying on and off all day. It seems silly but she was like my first kid. I read in a magazine awhile back that one of the big changes that comes with children is that your pets become just that, a pet. It is very true. I used to think that there was nothing that would make me get rid of our little Edie but when you have children your perspective on many things change. Even though it is very difficult, getting rid of the cats is the right thing to do for them and us. I have until wednesday to find a home for Petra. I am really hoping that something works out. I have an ad on Craig's list, on a yahoo group, fliers at CMU and a friend of mine has put up a flier at work. The shelter is not accepting animals so come wednesday Petra might be taking a walk on the green mile. Wish me luck on finding her a home by then.
the zoo
Thursday was my mom's birthday. Happy Birthday mom! We picked her up in Saginaw took her to lunch and then met my sister, niece and nephew at the zoo. It was a nice time. All of the animals were being lazy but it was fun anyway. Max and I rode on the little train. I thought he would be more excited about it then he was but that's okay. He was scared of the cows. Yes, they have cows at the zoo. Its the Saginaw zoo, its small. Anyway I think Max had the most fun just running around. The only problem with day was that we were on a time schedule because I had a doctors appointment. Its amazing how one event can throw all other events of the day off. The restaurant I took my mom to for lunch was super busy so it took 45 minutes to get our food. That meant that we were late showing up at the zoo and bit rushed. It also meant that I was about 5 minutes late for my doctor's appointment. I am a bit ridiculous when it comes to time. I absolutely hate being late and I hate feeling rushed so I had to really try to just relax and enjoy myself. In the end I did and I hope my mom had a good birthday.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
baby girl
Congrats to our friends Jessica and Chappy on finding out they are having a little girl. We are so happy for them and will warn them now to look out for Max when he gets older.
The Countdown begins
Okay, the countdown has been on for months but its really on now. Two weeks from today Micah comes. I can't wait. I am so excited to meet him. I have to admit that I am also a little nervous. Its kind of scary to know that your life is about to totally change but its great at the same time. I feel like I have a lot to do in those two weeks like completely clean the house. I feel like I have to wash the walls and steam clean the carpets. I was hoping to find a home for the cats before I did that but I don't see that happening. Poor Jason wonders whats in store for him as I begin my nesting. I have a feeling he isn't going to want to paint the entire house this weekend.....Oh well, he's a good sport. I am lucky to have such a wonderful husband who is also my best friend. We are ready for our new addition and can't wait to have all of you meet him too.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
a new addition to the family
No not me, Jason's parents got two new puppies. They are only 4 weeks old and they are adorable. They are females and oh so cute. One is called spot because she has two brown spots under her chin and the other by default is called spotless. These are not their real names but they pretty much are because thats what everyone is going to be calling them. Max thinks they are fun until they start jumping on him and then he's not so sure he likes them. They are great dogs so far. Max will have a blast playing with them while he stays with grandma and grandpa when the baby comes.
So last week there were some pretty good thunder storms that came through our area. We didn't really see any damage from it but other areas got hit kind of hard. My dad and brother both called me and said that my dad had some trees down at his house. I guess I didn't get the severity of the situation until we went to my dad's house to visit yesterday. He has 1o thousand dollars worth of damage to his house and also some to his boat. I really couldn't believe the damage when I saw it. My dad lives on a little peninsula and all of his neighbors got hit hard. It has been a week and everyone was still out cutting up giant trees that had come down and cleaning up all the mess that the storm had created. I tried to take some pictures but I don't think they really do the mess justice. I am glad that no one was hurt and my dad is glad to be getting a new roof out of the deal. I guess things have a way of working out.
Fun on the Lake
We went out on the boat yesterday with my mom. It was a beautiful day and so nice just to relax and hang out. Max loves the boat. He normally loves the water too but the lake was still a little cold. He didn't quite dig it. He put his new little floaty suit on him and sent him in. He kind of looked like a little Michelin Man. It was comical. He didn't want to swim but he didn't want to get back on the boat either. He was happy with grandma or dad holding him. I didn't get in the water because I wasn't about to let the general public see me in a bathing suit. Scary!! I was quite content soaking up sun on the mighty pontoon. We try to get out on the boat a lot in the summer but I think that might be a little difficult this year with a newborn. We were happy to make it out once before the baby comes.
Happy Father's Day
Happy Father's Day to all of you dads out there. We hope everyone has a great day and your kids behave themselves.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Oh Boy
Congrats to Bryce and Suria on creating a little boy. We know Kadence has known all along that she is having a little brother but we are thrilled to know now too. Now, you just need to move back to Michigan so your little boy and my little boy can play together. Okay, get working on that! We miss you guys.
what to do.
So I am seriously in tears right now. I just got a phone a call from the lady that is suppose to take the cats and she has decided that she can't. I really thought that it was a done deal and that I had found them a good home. Now I am back to square one wondering what I am going to do with the little rascals. I don't want to take them to the pound and I definately don't want Jason to kill them. I have no idea what to do at this point.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The Pool
So I was telling my partner at work the other day that I wanted to get one of those inflatable pools this summer. He just happened to have one that his family has outgrown and said we could have it. Jason brought the pool home today and started setting it up. I was pretty excited until we realized that it wasn't holding air. So we found two small holes and off to Meijer we went to get a patch kit. We came back and Jason patched the holes like a professional. He then refilled the pool with air (thank God for air compressors) and began to fill it with water. We went inside, ate dinner and then went back out to check on our progress. I would say Disasterwould be a good word to describe what we found. The free pool that I was so excited about was still losing air and now beginning to lose water. So we ceased efforts and have decided to lay the old girl to rest. I guess the lesson is to not be cheap and just go buy a $50 pool. I think Jason is secretly happy because he was worried about the pool killing his precious lawn.
Kitty update
Well, I think the kitty meeting went well today. The lady that is interested in them is so very nice and it sounds like she is going to give them a great home. She plans to pick them up next thursday. I hope nothing falls through. I am going to try not to get too excited until they are actually picked up that day. I really hope it works out. Like I said in my post earlier, I have a really good feeling about this woman that is taking them. So in other words, keep praying that everything works out. Thanks!
I recieved a call yesterday I didn't think I was going to recieve. Someone is actually interested in our kitties. She is a professor at CMU and she wants to female kitties just like we have. She is coming to see them today at 1:30. As much as it pains me to get rid of my cats, I really hope this works out. I have a really good feeling about it and it really sounds like it will be a good home for them. Now she just has to like them. So everyone pray like you have never prayed before that she will fall in love with our kitties and take them to a Max free zone where they don't get beat everyday. I'll write an update later on today.
Friday, June 6, 2008
The number 8 kept coming up this morning. I am 8 months pregnant and at 8 a.m. when I was starting work and it was already 80 degrees I was thinking, "Man, I really wish I worked 8 hour shifts instead of 12's". Thank goodness I have only 26 days left to go and don't have to suffer through the entire summer. I'm sure everyone around me is glad of that too.
This is how I feel today!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
All of a sudden Max is all about TV. He wakes up in the morning and says, " TV " as he is grabbing for the remote. The thing is, he will only really watch two shows. One is called Hi-5 and its on TLC in the mornings. He loves this show. Its nice because its not even torture to watch. Thank God he is not into the Wiggles. I hate them. The other show that he is seriously fascinated by is a baby story. He sits on the couch and watches with amazement in his eyes. Every once in awhile he will look at me and say very matter of factly, " A baby" like he is trying to teach me something very important. I hope he is as interested in his baby brother. I am glad that Max has never really cared about TV but I will admit that it is so nice in the morning to have a show that will hold is attention for 20 minutes. Especially on those mornings that he wakes up so crabby.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Dead Kitties Walking
I don't think they know it, but the kitties are on death row and I am that lawyer that is trying to keep them from the electric chair. I really thought that I had found a home for the little monsters but it fell through. Jason is giving me limited time to find an alternate home for them or he is going to send the to kitty heaven, which is a patch of dirt located on Jason's parent's property. I have placed an ad in the local paper and am praying on a daily basis that someone will rescue my little four legged friends. Wish me luck on my plight for freeing the cats. I know its not as glamorous as fighting to free Tibet but you got fight for something right?
Monday, June 2, 2008
a busy weekend
It was a really busy weekend. Friday my dad met us at our house and he, Max and I went to Canadian Lakes to visit my uncle who has been sick with cancer. He is recovering from surgery and doing great. It was really nice to visit with him and my aunt. I think my dad had a really nice time too.
When we got home I had an hour before I met friends out for dinner and a movie. It was nice to get out with girls. Sarah, Jessica, Melissa, Marylou and I went to Ruby Tuesday's and then to see Sex and the City. I wasn't really that excited about seeing the movie since I have only seen a couple of episodes of the show but it was really good. I had a great time.
On Saturday I went to Lansing to visit a friend (read post below for details) and then we had our friends Nate and Jen over for dinner. We haven't seen them in awhile so it was great to catch up. Max was a little terror but besides that it was a nice dinner. They probably think he is the worst kid ever.
On Sunday we went to Jason's parent's house for a couple of hours and then went to our friend's Michael and Amy's house. Michael's parents are visiting from the Florida and it was great to see them. They are originally from England but have moved here several years ago. When they used to visit from England they would stay with us so over the years they have become our adopted parents. We love the whole family and wish we could all get together more often.
So it was a busy weekend but we got to visit with so many people that we have missed. We should make an effort to do that more often.
When we got home I had an hour before I met friends out for dinner and a movie. It was nice to get out with girls. Sarah, Jessica, Melissa, Marylou and I went to Ruby Tuesday's and then to see Sex and the City. I wasn't really that excited about seeing the movie since I have only seen a couple of episodes of the show but it was really good. I had a great time.
On Saturday I went to Lansing to visit a friend (read post below for details) and then we had our friends Nate and Jen over for dinner. We haven't seen them in awhile so it was great to catch up. Max was a little terror but besides that it was a nice dinner. They probably think he is the worst kid ever.
On Sunday we went to Jason's parent's house for a couple of hours and then went to our friend's Michael and Amy's house. Michael's parents are visiting from the Florida and it was great to see them. They are originally from England but have moved here several years ago. When they used to visit from England they would stay with us so over the years they have become our adopted parents. We love the whole family and wish we could all get together more often.
So it was a busy weekend but we got to visit with so many people that we have missed. We should make an effort to do that more often.
Max.......so like his father
Max is all boy just like his dad. He not only looks like Jason but he acts like him as well. He is always grabbing for beer or alcohol bottles if they are around, He fights sleep even when he is exhausted because he thinks he will miss something, he has chicken legs and a Buddha belly and he thinks tractors are the coolest. So many similarities its scary!
a day with friends
On Saturday my friend Sarah and I went to visit our friend Cindy in Lansing. Cindy has an adorable 5 month old named Caden. He is the best baby ever. We were there all afternoon and I didn't hear a peep out of him. He just hung out and checked out the world. It must be nice is all I have to say about that.
I was wondering how Max would do with seeing me hold a baby. He did better than I expected. he showed a little jealousy but nothing terrible. I know it will be different when we actually bring Micah home but I hope he does okay. I think its going to be really hard on him. He gets mad if I lift up my shirt to see the baby kick. He walks over pulls my shirt down and says, "no mama". He is also very jealous of Jason right now. If Jason shows me any sort of affection he freaks out and cries and tries to push Jason away. Its a bit comical but it has me worried that he won't adjust well with the baby. Does anyone have any suggestions? We have been trying to get him excited about the baby and he seems to be. He loves seeing babies and he will kiss my belly sometimes too. We are going to try really hard to set aside alone time with him so he feels important. I thought I would also try to involve him with things like getting diapers out for the baby so he feels like he is helping. I don't really know. I guess what it comes down to is that its going to be a big adjustment for all of us and we will just deal with it. I'm just going to plan on the first couple of weeks being difficult.
I was wondering how Max would do with seeing me hold a baby. He did better than I expected. he showed a little jealousy but nothing terrible. I know it will be different when we actually bring Micah home but I hope he does okay. I think its going to be really hard on him. He gets mad if I lift up my shirt to see the baby kick. He walks over pulls my shirt down and says, "no mama". He is also very jealous of Jason right now. If Jason shows me any sort of affection he freaks out and cries and tries to push Jason away. Its a bit comical but it has me worried that he won't adjust well with the baby. Does anyone have any suggestions? We have been trying to get him excited about the baby and he seems to be. He loves seeing babies and he will kiss my belly sometimes too. We are going to try really hard to set aside alone time with him so he feels important. I thought I would also try to involve him with things like getting diapers out for the baby so he feels like he is helping. I don't really know. I guess what it comes down to is that its going to be a big adjustment for all of us and we will just deal with it. I'm just going to plan on the first couple of weeks being difficult.
Max makes a move
We recently switched the spare bedroom/office over to Max's new room. He has been sleeping in there and doesn't seem to mind the switch. I thought it a good idea to start him in their now so its one less thing he has to adapt to once Micah gets here. His toys have been in there for awhile so I think he felt like it was his room anyway. The only thing that will present a problem is that all of my clothes are in that bedroom closet and I have a dresser full of clothes in there. I will just have to remember to grab my stuff the night before I work so I don't wake him up in the mornings. There are still a couple of things I need to do like put some pictures up and get him a new comforter but besides that he is good to go.
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