Saturday, December 20, 2008

a lot of snow

This picture doesn't show it well, but the snow was up to Max's knees.
Maximo is king of the snow hill.

this snow hill is taller than Jason's Kia. I know that doesn't take much but still.

We just got a big snow storm yesterday and we are supposed to get more tomorrow. I took Max out to play today but we didn't stay out long because it was so cold. I can't believe how much snow we have gotten this year already. We will definitely have a white Christmas.


KrazyMom said...

Isn't it crazy? We went sledding this morning....whopping 9 degrees then! Yikes!

Carol and Dan said...

Snow is fun! At some point in his life, Max will refer back to this time as, "I remember when I was a kid, it would snow so much it could cover the car!"...........c.