My step mom Geri is here from Florida right now house sitting for a friend of hers in Novi so I packed up the kids and headed down there this weekend. Jason stayed home because he was on call for work and had a ton of homework to do.
We got there on Friday around 11:30. We walked into a very beautiful home that was full of breakable things that I could tell Max couldn't wait to get into. I won't go into detail, I will just tell you that by 9 p.m. that night we had broken a DVD player, Max had thrown up all over the bed we were suppose to sleep in and I was at the brink of insanity. We ended up sleeping on the couch because all the bedding was being washed for the bed we were suppose to sleep in. Max and Micah some how ended up staying up until midnight and then Max woke up at 3 again. We then got up at 5:30. It was a long day and night but it was great to see Grandma.
Saturday went a lot better. I made our bed and fixed the DVD player. I was pretty impressed with myself on that one. So I felt better just getting the house I was a guest in back in order. My stepbrother Jim, his wife Carrie and their daughters Addison and Alisha came over that afternoon. Max and Micah both had fun playing with the girls. It was so nice to see them.
We headed home this morning. It was sad to say goodbye to grandma but we will try to make it down there one more time before she heads home. This time, I will be prepared.
Sounds like you had a busy weekend! I love the pic of Micah smiling over your Mom's shoulder,and I love the "Lover Boy" shirt of Max's.
Micah had a shirt on just like that but it said handsome devil. They had to have valentine shirts.
Oh no! Baby puke is so annoying! It never comes at a convenient time! ..........c.
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