Micah is growing up too fast. This morning I decided to put him in a 12 month outfit because his 9 month ones are getting a little snug. It fit him perfectly. I also switched him to a bigger car seat. He was busting out of his infant seat. He is so big, I don't even have to have him rear facing anymore. By this summer he will be able to wear the clothes that Max wore last summer. I guess that's good since I don't have to go out and buy him new stuff, which I will probably do anyway because I just can't resist. If Max and Micah keep growing like this, they will be towering over me in just a few short years. I can't even imagine.
My goodness, those boys are too cute. It's so crazy how fast they grow up. Cherish these moments. ~kt
Ahh yes just ask Kathy about that!! Great pictures. Looking forward to some hughs from hose big boys this summer
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