Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Dad update

Just a quick updates on our dads. Don had another Cath done but no more stents placed. Everything looked good so they are changing his medication to see if that helps him. So good news there.
Dan had some complications with his surgery yesterday but is doing good now and on his way home from the U. We knew he would be okay when we got report that he came out of anaesthesia giving the nurses hell. So he will go in next week for another surgery and hopefully he and Don will both be done with hospitals for awhile.
Thanks for praying for the old grumps for us.


Carol and Dan said...


P.S. I love the picture of the boys on top! So funny!......c.

The Jaymac Clan said...

Hey, Jason is a huge G and R fan so it had to be done.

Cindy said...

aweome news! where did you get those photos taken??