this kiddie pool was great for both the kids and us.

Micah hamming it up for the camera.

sunset in Panama City.

Max wearing Kadence's princess hat.

The great house we stayed in. Thanks a million Ginger.
We left our House on June 17th at 6:30 pm. We picked Jason up in Owosso and headed for Atlanta. The boys did really well. Jason and I were machines stopping only three times for gas. We got to Atlanta at 8:30 am and just played catch up for the day. When Ryan got out of work we headed for Panama City. It was a five hour drive and that drive seemed longer than the entire 12 hours to Atlanta. The way to Panama was through a ton of little towns and mostly 55 mph. We did make though and it wasn't too bad. The house was beautiful and the view was amazing. Ginger and her girls and Bryce and Suria and their kids didn't show up until Friday night. The kids had so much fun playing together and so did the grown ups. Jason had so much fun he lost his brand new eye glasses in the ocean.

self portrait by me...........sorry about the top of your head Jason.

Its hard to believe that 5 years ago Jason and I walked through this walkway to get married.
We left Panama City on Monday Morning and embarked on the 7 hour drive to Treasure Island. We made great time following Speed Racers Bryce and Suria. We got to Treasure Island around 5:30. My stepmom Geri was already there waiting for us. She stayed with us the 3 days there. We stayed at the little place we got married. We just love it there. Bryce, Suria and the kids were able to come and hang out with us a couple days too. It was nice and low key and relaxing.

Thursday morning we left Treasure Island and headed to our friend's in Port Richie. The boys were both exhausted and out of control. Its always embarrassing when your kids act that way because you know people think your kids are always like that and probably that you are bad parents. Anyway, we had a lovely lunch with Chris and George and had a good time swimming in their pool. We only stayed a couple of hours and then headed to Atlanta. We got there around 11:30 and crashed for the night.

Friday morning we took the boys to the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta. Its the biggest aquarium in the world. It was quite amazing. They have whale sharks, giant sting rays, a number of different sharks and beluga whales. It was very impressive to see these creatures in real life. They also had different areas for kids to pet sting rays, little sharks, shrimp, sea urchins and a lot of other things. Max thought this was awesome. After the aquarium we headed home. It was about 1 in the afternoon by the time we got out of town and headed North. It took us 14 hours to get home. We thought this was pretty good given the fact that Micah pooped liked 6 times. I felt like every time we got going, I heard Micah grunting from the back and we had to stop again. We pulled in our driveway at exactly 3 am and stumbled into our beds. Its always heaven when you get to sleep in your bed. It was a great trip and the boys did so well.
Sounds like a great trip! I bet you drove right passed our house on 75. By the way, you look great Stephanie.
I miss you guys already! We had tons of fun with you! Great pictures!
Great pictures. Steph, if it wasn't for your toes sticking out, you would look like a mermaid in that picture at the acquarium!
If I would have known you guys lived so close Cassandra, we would have stopped by. God knows we could have used a stop to stretch our legs.
We miss you guys too Suria. I really do wish we lived closer. Life would just be more fun with a daily dose of the Nelson's!
Great pictures! Looks like you guys had fun. And I love your new family picture on top! ......c.
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