Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The John Ball Zoo

Yesterday we went to Grand Rapids to visit my friend Cynthia and her Brother Carlos who is visiting from Ecuador. Cynthia and her husband Mitch just moved to GR because Cynthia is starting med school next month. We are are proud of her. Anyway, we dragged Cynthia and Carlos to the zoo and wore them out. Thanks Guys!

Carlos helping Max check out the gators.

The zoo is exhausting.

The guys checking out the lions.

When I was pregnant for Max, Jason and I met some friends at the Cabin. There was a band playing and in the band there was a guy with a Mohawk playing the bongos. I told Jason that when Max was old enough I was going to give him a Mohawk and teach him how to play the bongos. Jason brought the fact to my attention that I didn't know how to play the bongos so it may be difficult for me to teach our son to play. Its okay though because apparently Max doesn't have much of an interest in the bongos. not sure why I just told you that but I did.

Maybe Micah will be my bongo baby.

nothing is cuter than baby goats.

Grandma and Grandpa, the boys want a baby goat.

This camel is named Angel and Angel is about to be ridden by a Max.

Placed on Angel and ready to go.

Hold on Max, that camel is going like 2 miles per hour.

Max felt so important after his ride.

The boys love to climb on things they are not suppose to climb on.

Hey, where you going with the wagon?

Max and Cynthia taking a breather.

I love this picture.

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