While the guys were taking classes at the conference, Lisa and I went to the aquarium. It was a great aquarium. I really enjoyed it.

Gotta love the sting rays.

These are so beautiful! Such wonderful things God created!

This was just a poster but these deep sea creatures fascinate me.

Love the black and white on this sting ray.

They have a rain forest part of the museum. We thought it was great until we saw that there was big spiders running around that are not in cages. Eeeek.

Us girls are such sharks when we want to be lol.

They had quite a few different types of jelly fish. I loved watching them. They are like ghosts moving through the water.

This one is able to create light.

This was just a blue background but it really makes this creature stand out. So pretty.

Look at the cute babies.
I took a ton more pictures at the museum but I don't want to bore you with a million pics of fish so what you see is what you get.
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