I know the old saying, don't cry over spilled milk but what about spilled wine? What a silly thing to be crying about right? Well, last night Micah pulled over my wine rack. It held six silly bottles of wine. One of these bottles I hold dear to my heart. I know that in itself sounds ridiculous. This bottle of wine was a gift to me the last time I went to Spain. It was given to me by my friend Blanca's dad. I don't know how much it cost or how good it was but like me it was starting to get some age on it. It was from 1998. I know in wine years that isn't a lot but I was planning to save it for a long time. I kept telling myself that I would save it for a special occasion. Many great occasions have come and gone and I just couldn't bring myself to open it. Well, Micah sure opened it for me last night. It shattered into a million pieces all over the floor. The poor little guy stood in a pool of Spanish wine soaking up what he could with his socks. I was not upset with him but my heart did sink a little when I saw that the only bottle of wine broken was of course the one that I didn't want to be. Perhaps it was a precursor to today being Friday the 13th, or perhaps its just a lesson to enjoy life when you have the chance because who knows when that chance will be gone.
Just for fun-the next time you are at a wine wharehouse of any sort(I don't know if there are any around you) you should see if they have that kind of wine and open it immediately! (Maybe they could find it for you!)
I thought about checking online to see if I could find it.
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