Monday, May 10, 2010

A Change.........I Hope

So I don't know how it happened but we watch way too much t.v. in this house. Max never really watched it when he was smaller but Micah loves it and so they watch it more than they should. I think it started this past winter. There isn't much to do when you are stuck inside all day so the t.v. is just on. its back ground noise half of the time but its still on. Since Micah was little, Dora would instantly calm those crying fits when they want nothing. I never wanted to be one of those moms that used the t.v. to raise my children but I feel like that is what I have become. So I am done with it. This morning when I told Max he couldn't watch t.v. he sobbed for 10 minutes. Do you think we have a problem? I am going to limit them to about an hour a day. I'll let you know how it goes.

We did good yesterday. The boys watched about an hour and a half of t.v. total. I determined to keep it up no matter how much crying is involved. I expect half of it will come from Jason. lol.

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