Sunday, July 27, 2008

California bound

well, Jason left for California yesterday for a week. He is attending a conference in San Diego for work. My niece Katie and my mom are here staying with us while Jason is gone. Thank God for them because I don't think I do it on my own for an entire week. I am hoping to get some bloging done while they are here. Max broke the cable to download pictures from my camera so I hope to get one of those today and get some new pictures up here. I didn't realize it would be so tough to find time to get on the computer.


Kelz said...

Hey Lady :) I hope that this week goes well with Jay gone and that you enjoy the company :) Maybe a house of more women than men will have a good affect on the kids :) Anyhow, have a great day, take care and keep in touch! OH!! I made a blog...yes, I have too much time on my hands :) Love ya.

KrazyMom said...

I am sure you are enjoying your company! Tell your mom "Hi" for me! I haven't seen her in so long!