I thought things were suppose to slow down now that its fall and the weather is cooling down. Yeah, not so much. I feel like it has been so crazy busy and its not going to slow down for awhile. I'm in my very good friend Jenni's wedding this Saturday so Friday we are doing a spa day, which I'm super excited about, then
rehearsal, then I'm sneaking out early to head to the
Saginaw area to watch a football game and see my niece on homecoming court. Next weekend Jason's brother gets married so that will be really busy too. Throw work and preschool and a crazy dirty house in the mix and I feel like I never stop. My brother and his wife are having a baby any day now too. I'm hoping its during the week so I have lots of time to visit. I haven't even been able to blog that much. Jason is super busy with school so when he gets home from work he steals my computer and does homework so the blog has been neglected. While I'm at it I might as well mention that our awesome new babysitter who lives down the road just got accepted to the National Guard and leaves on the 6
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Easy come easy go I guess. Vent session completed.