When I was at my MOPS conference there was a performer there named Sarah Groves and I absolutely loved her. She was not only an amazing singer and pianist but the words to her songs were beautiful and they expressed exactly how I felt. So I would like to write two of them down here; one for my boys and one for my husband.
For my boys
You Cannot Lose My LoveYou will your baby teeth
At times you'll lose your faith in me
You will lose a lot of things
You cannot lose my love
You may lose your appetite
Your guiding sense of wrong and write
You may lose your will to fight
But you cannot lose my love
You will lose your confidence
In times of trial your common sense
You may lose your innocence
But you cannot lose my love
Many things can be misplaced
Your very memories be erased
No matter what the time or space
You cannot lose my love
You cannot lose
You cannot lose
You cannot lose my love
For my husband
Twice as GoodWhen I am down and need to cry til morning, I know just where I am going
When I'm in need of sweet commiseration
to speak out loud
Raise a glass to to friendship and a knowing that you don't have to go alone. We'll raise our hearts to share each others burdens on this road.
Every burden I have carried, every joy its understood that life with you is half as hard and twice and good.
With my good news you're dancing on the table. Baby's born to celebration. The joy of life oh what a sweet communion shared with you.
Every burden I have carried, every joy its understood that life with you is half as hard and twice as good
I know we're growing older. Can you imagine what that will bring? Its all a mystery to me now except this one thing.....it will be half as hard and twice as good.
Love you guys!