Micah is potty trained! That means no more diapers for the MacDonald house. This is super exciting but at the same time a little sad. I think whether you have one child or 20, anytime you transition from one stage of your child's life to the next its bitter sweet.
We just ordered the boys some bunk beds and they will be sharing a room soon ( as soon as I find time to switch everything over that is) and I realized that we will no longer have a nursery. Very soon, there will no longer be a crib, diapers, changing table and all the cute little knickknacks that went into the nursery. It makes me sad but its time I guess. Besides, we all know that you can't fight time. We all try but time always wins. This is why I no longer get carded and have a ridiculous amount of gray hair.
So, goodbye baby stage and hello to whatever comes next.