So I took Max to speech therapy today. He speaks well, he just has problems making certain sounds. For example, when he tries to say Micah it sounds like Miketa. Or when he tries to say guitar it comes out buitar. Anyway, he was dx with developmental articulation disorder which pretty much means he uses his tongue against his teeth when he shouldn't and he can't quite figure out how to keep that tongue still. So they suggested that we bring him in once or twice a week until he figures out how to make those sounds. This sounded great to me until I got home and called our insurance company (BCBS) and found out they won't cover anything that is a "developmental" problem. So now we are going to try to go through the school system for speech therapy. Since we pay taxes, Max will be covered. I hope we can get something worked out. Insurance issues are such a pain. Every time I call the insurance company, I feel like they are speaking a different language and I never completely understand what they are telling me. Wish us luck!