Max's birthday is actually tomorrow on the 14th but we celebrated it on Saturday. It was a nice, laid back party spent with family. Tomorrow Max has a dentist appointment on his birthday. Good thing he likes the dentist. I actually scheduled this on purpose so we could leave to dentist, which is in Saginaw, and go right to chuckee cheeses. Grandma Tina, Daddy, Aunt Lori and cousin Jessie are meeting us for another little party. It should be a fun time.
As usual, Max got spoiled.
Micah managed to make both grandmas' day with some hugs.
We were thrilled that the baby showed up.......and of course my brother and sister-in-law.
Uncle Jon, who is in fishing ternaments all summer every year, was happy to get Max the fishing pole he wanted.
Crayola amazes me with the creative things they come up with for kids. Uncle Lance and Aunt Brooke got Max this thing that lets you put sound into your picture when you color. How cool is that?
Uncle Shane came through with an awesome Optimus Prime transformer that makes really loud noises. Thanks Uncle Shane! We love that you always buy the boys really loud toys!
We got Max a new bike. We were suppose to have Max's party at Jay's mom's house but Grandpa Don was sick so we moved the party to the church. Good thing, this gave Max a place to ride his new bike.
I think it was a hit.
Make a wish
Max loves his new cousin.
Micah loves cake!